How to get Tidy 2
Tidy is currently developing a new version of its software, to further enhance the efficiency of your business. This is an ongoing project as we work to bring the features from the original Tidy into the Tidy 2, adding additional features and enhancing your user experience.
We'll be adding features to the start screen to help you quickly access your most frequent work. For now, the start screen will show you the latest news and changes with Tidy 2.
Once you have access to Tidy 2, you will be able to access both the original Tidy and the Tidy 2, switching between the two to access the same data.
To get Tidy 2, please follow the steps below.
Contact Tidy to request your Tidy 2 account to be provisioned. This can be done using the support portal within your account, or by emailing
Tidy will provision your account and provide you with a new URL. This URL will be
Once you have your Tidy 2 URL, use the same login credentials for your current Tidy account to login.
All data in your original Tidy account will be shared in Tidy 2, and vice-versa. For example, sales in Tidy 2 will automatically appear in your current Tidy account.
The initial preview of Tidy 2 contains sales, import and export of materials and assemblies, project material entries and more. Upcoming releases will contain new versions of current features you are familiar with. Eventually, enhanced versions of all features (e.g projects) will be in Tidy 2, replacing your current version.